Saturday, 9 November 2013

'Codes and Conventions of TV advertising'

For this section of the assignment I will be using two adverts which are 'Three-pony' and 'Barclay-card roller-coaster'. Also describing the camera angle and shots, iconography, editing, lighting, sound, music, computer graphics and special effects.

Three-The Pony:

Camera angle and shot: The camera angles and shots are used within this advert helps portray the message across to the viewer and helps impact the target audience when viewing the advert as well as their desire to purchase the product or not. The camera angles and shots entertains the audience visually instead of boring the audience with one simple angle/shot. As we can see here at (0.01-0.10) six shot including different angles ranging from establishing shots to close up, this variety shown within the first ten seconds of the advert engages the audience also eye catching. There are many different camera angles and shots used throughout this advert.
Iconography: Iconography used within this advert allows the audience to be aware of what the advert is offering to the audience through the awareness raised by the visual images and symbols. The iconography is the slogan/logo and brand name which is 'Silly Stuff. It Matters/Three(3)' (0.54-1.00). This is a popular mobile phone service which is recognisable and well known to the target audience.
Editing: The editing in this advert is very good as the footage flows nicely and consistently throughout the advert as we can see at (0.33-0.35) once the pony has reached the edge of the cliff and changes shot where the pony reverses in time and does not jump shots within the advert.
Music: The music used within the advert is also very catchy and well known as the music is by 'Fleetwood Mac'- 'Everywhere'. Due to this song choice it allows the audience to take part and dance around through the mood/atmosphere given from the song within the advert as we can see the pony dancing the moon walk at (0.27) this attracts the audiences attention as well as wanting to dance too.
Barclay-card Roller-coaster advert:

Lighting: The lighting within this advert is is portrayed well due to the bright natural lighting we can see this at (0.11) as the sun is rising suggesting that the advert is positive engaging the target audience to watch it throughout. However if the lighting was dark/dim the mood given would perhaps make the viewer feel that the service is not as trustworthy.
Sound: The sound that is portrayed through this advert helps engage the target audience as its is sounds that is heard in every day life such as the sounds of an roller coaster, trains, screams, boat horns and more where we can see this at (0.14). This allows the audience to connect with the advert due to personal identity as they are able to relate and recognise familiar sounds.
Computer graphics: The graphics used in this advert occur at the end of the video (0.57) which is 'Barclay card' the brand name/logo of the service then an image of the actual product showing the audience what is offered to them.
Special effects: The special effects in this video is the use of the roller coaster in between each of the building, we first see this when the lift is mimicked by the roller coasters seating entrance at (0.04) as he uses this transport to get to work as we can see at (0.51). This helps connote that with Barclay card its quick, simple and easy just like when using the roller coaster for successful transport.

Shock/Surprise and Sympathy: Shock, surprise and sympathy are emotions mainly portrayed by the target audience when viewing a specific advertisement. An example of this is an charity advert that shows the audience of heartbreaking situations of families and children that are lead to starvation. This image shocks the audience in order to help them understand difficulties faced to them help donate money.

Annoyingness/Catchiness: Annoyingness and catchiness is very common within many adverts as it is an easy way to get the target audience to remember their specific advertisement. This can be done through a song used within or an annoying squeal such as 'William hill bingo-bird is the word' and 'Go compare' advert. This strategy ables the audience to remember and use gratification such as social relationships when discussing that specific advertisement.

Celebrity Endorsement: Celebrity endorsement is when a famous act either an artist or actor is shown within an advert to promote a service or product and to increase the awareness of it. An example of celebrity endorsement is 'Muller yogurt' advert starring Nicole Scherzinger a world wide superstar as the main selling point. The audience will engage more of the target audiences attention when celebrity endorsements are use as they will recognise the celebrity and suggest to themselves if famous people are using the product or service then it good enough for us. Fans of the artist increases more awareness as they will use social relationships and talk about the advert with their friends.

Music: Music is used majority of the time within adverts either the latest tunes or old school songs, depending on who their target audience is. When using music it engages the audience through it being well known and when listening to the music the audience are able to make that link between the to. An example of this is the advert is No.7 'Sexy lady' by Jessie J, this allows her to promote her song through the advert targeting to females increases awareness of both product and her song.

Catchy/Strong Message: A catchy, strong message are used in many adverts to ensure the message sticks and get across to the audience. An example of this is 'Terry's chocolate orange- Don't tap it, whack it!'. This advert released in 2006 is still recognisable today when the chocolate orange is shown, proving the success of the advertisement through the catchy message included.

Aspiration: Aspiration is used within many adverts to give the audience ambition and hope to achieve something, as this advert includes of an famous successful Olympian makes you aspire to be as successful as them due to the product shown. Especially if the celebrity is the audience role model.

Humour: Humour is when an advert uses funny materials and techniques to engages the audience through laughter and smiles. An example of this is the M&M advert 'Get in the bowl', I personally enjoy as the story line catches your attentions as well as the gratification used for social relationship being able to talk to your friends about the humorous advert.

Animal Factor: Animal factor is when an animal is used within the advert. This is eye-catching and funny due the specific to the way the animal has be adapted to a human role. An example of this advert I have use is 'Fox's melts biscuits' is where a panda promotes them through the aesthetic appeal and taste.

Nostalgia: Nostalgia is when an sentimental era within your past that brings back memories, the example that I have used for this is 'Hovis- as good as today as it's always been' allows the audience of an older age reminisce about the past. For example the advert use personal identity so the audience are able to relate to the situation that occurs in the advert.

Intertextuality: Intertextuality is when a media source of a recognisable nature such as a movie or Tv series (soaps) are used within a text such as advertisements. This allows the audience to instantly make the link between the advert and the movie. The example I have used is the 'Mercedes Benz- A class' includes of actors and actress that star in a new movie that helps promotes their story line.

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